Past life regression £55 - 1.5hr
This is a very powerful treatment for anyone who has an interest in past lives.
Past Life Regression is a way to access the previous lives that a person has lived to clear up energy blockages in their Karmic Body and learn from them as well.
A person can treat their past lives in two ways; they can either view it and remove energy blockages or learn from it and use it to heal their current life, which is extremely powerful. The main tool used in this process is hypnosis.
What happens in the regression?
You will be laid on a comfortable bed with candles and relaxing aromas, music will be played to help with getting you fully relaxed and settled.
You will be in a mediative state and will be guided into a past life.
Lyndsay will go through everything with you in your consultation.
Sacred Moon Wellbeing Centre
Whatever the occasion, we can tailor our specially created days to meet your requirements based around wellbeing and reconnecting.
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